Community Grants
Community Waste Minimisation Fund
You might be eligible for funding through our Community Waste Minimisation Fund.
Fund Criteria:
- Align with the vision, goals, and objective of Southland Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2020-2026.
- Take place within Southland or be for the benefit of the Southland Community.
- Focus on reuse, recycling, and recovery of waste and diverted materials.
- Can become financially self-sustainable.
- Use the funds accordingly within 6 months of offering applicants a grant.
- Be from a legal entity or fall under an umbrella legal entity.
- Lead to measurable waste minimisation outcomes.
Applications are now open! All applications for this round of funding must be received by 31 March 2025.
Community Waste Minimisation Fund Application
Before You Start
- Read the Community Fund Application Guide.
- Download and complete the Community Fund Application form according to the guide.
- Applications can only be submitted using the application document.
- If you are unable to type into the form directly, please print a copy and complete by hand.
- We recommend that you keep a copy of your completed application for your own references.
- Email your completed application to
Community Waste Fund Application
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Past Recipients
2022/23 Community Waste Minimisation Fund Recipients
The main objective of this project was to promote home and community composting to minimise and divert waste from landfills. In addition to training and educating members of the community to provide guidance and support to help others with composting, the South Coast Environment Society’s aim was to establish several public locations.
Check out their amazing project here!
Application for funding was to purchase 100 bin clips to be distributed to the Bluff residents that are most impacted by the strong winds in order to prevent bins from spreading rubbish when blown over. The second portion of the funding requested was allocated for a clothing bin to be located in the Bluff Centre.
Aurora College’s Sustainability Programme aims to reduce the amount of food waste that ends up in landfills by composting food scraps into garden compost to grow more food. The food grown using this technology was used for food classes and the Healthy Lunches Programme, which provides lunches to 600 students.
2024/25 Community Waste Minimisation Fund Recipients To-Date
The Gore Pakeke Lions Club accepts recyclable items for processing, with returns going back into the community.
The main objective of this project was to improve the community’s awareness of products accepted for recycling and also to enable community members to more easily locate the site. The application also sought funding for materials to improve the efficiency of processing.
South Alive is an urban rejuvenation project, led by the community, with the goal of identifying the best possible future for South Invercargill and ways to make it happen.
The Trust’s application sought funding to purchase and install recycling bins outside and inside of the foyer of The Pod community hub, and alongside the existing recycle station in The Pantry at South Alive’s facility. Due to these areas being community spaces, the recycling bins are able to be used to support efforts towards community education around recycling initiatives.
Te Hau o Te Ora Mataura is a primary health care facility located in Mataura.
The application sought funding to purchase and distribute reusable incontinence products to community members in order to reduce usage of disposable incontinence products and therefore reduce going to landfill.
We are committed to helping our community minimise and managing waste and recycling effectively. Take a look below for great tips to help your household or business play your part. If you’re question is not answered below, you can email any further questions to
Inspire us with your great idea to rethink/redesign, reduce, reuse/repurpose. Projects must achieve the following objectives:
- Waste Reduction – Reducing waste at source and/or
- Resource Recovery – Diverting waste from landfill
The aim is to support initiatives that complement and enhance existing programmes, address gaps, create new opportunities, and encourage community participation in waste minimisation.
The fund is open to public including community groups, businesses, Iwi/Maori organisations, and education providers within the Southland Region.
To be eligible to apply for support from WasteNet Community Waste Minimisation Fund, the project must meet the following criteria:
- Align with the vision, goals, and objective of Southland Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2020-2026.
- Take place within the Southland Region and be for the benefit of the Southland Community.
- Be from a legal entity or fall under an umbrella legal entity
- The applicant must have no outstanding debt owing to WasteNet, Gore District Council, Invercargill City Council or Southland District Council.
- The applicant must comply with all WasteNet and/or Invercargill City Council regulatory and statutory requirements relating to the preparation and delivery of the project, including obtaining all necessary permits and consents.
- Projects must not have breached previous funding and legislative agreements with the abovementioned councils, including reporting criteria.
- The applicant must fully declare any additional council or local board funding, grant or koha/ donation received for the project/event.
- Applicants must specify additional funding from their own or other resources, and/or in kind.
A contestable fund of $50,000 is available for the 2024/25 year.
Funding is exclusive of GST. Your organisation will be responsible for meeting its GST obligations if registered.
There are a range of different types of projects that would be considered eligible for funding. Examples of acceptable activities are:
- Trials and pilot projects
- Community outreach and education
- Workshops, events, monitoring and surveys
- Materials and equipment
- Skills development and research (that is not aimed at supporting the attainment of a qualification)
- Project implementation costs including operational and capital costs.
- Payment of staff time for specific deliverables. Ongoing staff salaries and wages is excluded.
The Fund cannot be used for:
- Projects that are inconsistent with the Southland Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2020-2026 (WMMP)
- Activities already completed.
- Projects outside of the Southland Region that do not have a clear benefit to the Southland community.
- Projects focused on waste disposal or litter clean-ups
- Debt servicing or repayment.
- Feasibility studies and business cases
- Costs in preparing an application
- Marketing programmes
- Staff salaries or wages
- Ongoing financial support of existing activities or running costs of the existing activities of organisations, individuals, or firms.
- Prize money
- Legal expenses
- Conventions, conferences, trade shows, private functions, catering or media
- Purchasing or leasing a vehicle
- Purchase of land or buildings or the improvement of privately owned facilities
- Rent or accommodation cost
- Purchase of alcohol, tobacco, illegal substances, or gaming
- Fundraising
- Applications are available online to download. The application can be emailed to
- We will only accept complete applications so please answer all questions.
- Any supporting documentation must be included as part of your application. Please clearly state your project or applicant name on all supporting documents submitted.
- Applicants must include a detailed project budget as part of their application.
Applications will be assessed by WasteNet Panel based on the following criteria:
Strategic Alignment
- Aligned with Waste Management and Minimisation Plan vision, goals, and objectives.
- This includes alignment with the waste hierarchy, with a preference for projects that target the top of the hierarchy.
Waste Minimisation
- Waste reduction – reducing waste at source and/or,
- Resource recovery – diverting waste from landfill
Community Participation
- Community participation is achieved
- Tangible community benefit is delivered
- Behaviour is changed
- Gaps and opportunities in existing waste minimisation services and projects are addressed.
- The project has clear outcomes that are specific and ideally measurable.
- The organisation making the proposal can demonstrate the ability to carry out the project, ideally shown by experience in projects of a similar nature.
- The project is technically and financially feasible and does not represent an unacceptable level of risk to the councils and community.
- Once the fund closes, all applications will be checked for completion.
- Your application will be assessed and scored by WasteNet panel.
- You may be contacted by the panel to answer any questions specific to your application.
- Following evaluation, all applicants will be notified in writing about whether their application has been successful or not.
- If you are successful, you will need to invoice WasteNet for the funds that have been approved.
- Funding will be paid into an approved account on 20th of the following month, following receipt of an invoice from the applicant.
- Successful applicants are required to complete an accountability form within 6 months of funds being issued. This is to demonstrate that project objectives were achieved and evidence that funding was used for the purpose it was allocated for.
- WasteNet reserves the right to contact you for an update at any time throughout your project.
- The Council may audit successful recipients. This may include a visit from council staff during or on completion of the project.
- The project must be delivered within the planned timeframe. After which the project objectives should have been achieved.