Bin inspections have returned to help ensure the contents of kerbside recycling bins meet the right standards. Click here to learn more.
Not sure which bin something should go in?
Try our handy search function to find out which item/material goes in which bin or if you need to dispose of it differently.
Battery recycling collection points implemented
Standardisation of kerbside collection. Find out more here.
WasteNet Community Waste Minimisation Fund applications open
Waste Free Wanda in Schools in Southland. Click to register your school’s interest
Recycling bin inspections recommence. Find out more here.
WasteNet Community Waste Minimisation Fund applications open
Here are a few things you can do to take your recycling to the next level!
Working together for zero waste
This joint Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (the Plan) presents a vision for the region recognising the need to work together to maximise opportunities to divert waste from landfill but also noting challenges to the recycling markets will continue to impact on the services we deliver.